For more information on the proposed system boundaries, please reach out to the Salem Sewer Study Committee, Chair Wyeth Coburn at

The Salem Sewer Study Committee meets in Proudfit Hall, the first Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 pm, and reports to the Town Board at its monthly meeting.

March 2024
Agenda March 6, 2024

July 2023
Preliminary Engineering Report

July 12, 2023
Agenda July 12, 2023
Professional Agreement with Delaware Engineering

Minutes from January 26, 2021 meeting

Minutes from November 10, 2020 meeting

The Salem Sewer Committee was appointed by the Town Board to evaluate the potential for a public sewer system within the former Village of Salem.

To date, the committee has reviewed an initial engineering report and is now engaged in refining the potential project and seeking grants and low-cost financing.

The project will occur only if an affordable, sustainable sewer system can be devised and delivered.

For more information call (518) 854 – 3277


WHO:  The Town Board has appointed a Sewer Committee to explore the possibility for an affordable, sustainable sewer system.  Ultimately, if a sewer system is conceptually feasible, the Town Board will put the question to a vote of the property owners that would be affected.

WHAT: A public sewer system consisting of a network of pipes to collect wastewater from homes and businesses and convey sewage to a centralized treatment facility prior to discharge of clean water to a creek or stream.

WHERE: Properties within the former Village now presently the Water District are under consideration for sewer service.

WHEN: The Sewer Committee intends to spend the balance of this year and most of next year in refining the concept for a sewer system and seeking grants and low-cost financing to reduce the costs of the system.

A vote to determine if a sewer system is supported by the property owners that would be served by the sewer system could occur in 2021.

Design and permitting of a sewer system are a yearlong process after the vote, and construction is likely to occur over the course of two years.  Given the current schedule, construction could occur in 2022-2023.

WHY:  Local businesses and property owners alike struggle to maintain aging septic systems.  For restaurants and businesses, it is difficult to meet health regulations.  For homeowners, septic repairs can be an emergency and are very costly.  The viability of the community is suffering due to a lack of public sewers.

HOW: The Sewer Committee is conducting a confidential survey with the assistance of the non-profit RCAP Solutions.  The purpose of the survey is to support applications for grants and low-cost financing for a potential sewer project as well as other needs in the community.  Responses to the survey are vital to the effort to reduce costs for any potential sewer or other infrastructure project.

December 10 press release



The Town of Salem is exploring the feasibility and affordability of constructing a municipal wastewater collection and treatment system.  They are exploring sources of grants and low-interest loans to help pay for this. This information will help determine if such a project would be possible.

To qualify for these programs, Salem needs to show that it is financially eligible.  To do this, Salem must conduct a Household Characteristics Survey of the proposed users of the wastewater system.  This survey is required by funding programs to document that the proposed service area qualifies for financial help. The results are confidential and only the survey summary results are used.

At this time, the Town is looking at a proposed service area similar to the existing drinking water system.  These boundaries are DRAFT and can be modified, but for the moment, it provides a place to start. Only residents of the proposed sewer system service area are being asked to participate in the survey.

For more information on the proposed system boundaries, please reach out to the Salem Sewer Study Committee, Chair Herb Perkins at  The Salem Sewer Study Committee meets via Zoom, the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm, and reports to the Town Board at its monthly meeting (Next meeting January 26). Minutes of the meetings are posted on the Town website, If you wish to receive a Zoom invitation to a monthly Sewer Study Committee meeting, email Herb Perkins a few days ahead of the meeting.

If you reside in the proposed service area, you will be receiving a survey in the mail during the week of January 4th.  Participation of residents is critical to success! Salem needs a high percentage of returns, so please take a moment to fill out and return your survey, when you receive it. If we cannot reach the required number of survey returns by mail, we will need to conduct house to house canvassing.

The survey is confidential.  Mail your completed survey in the self-addressed stamped envelope to RCAP Solutions.  This not-for-profit agency is helping the Town to process the surveys at no charge to the Town.

Surveys will be opened only by RCAP Solutions staff.  RCAP Solutions will provide the Town with a survey summary report that will help us determine the funding programs that are available to us.

Thank you very much for your participation; this study can’t be done without you! And without the Sewer Study, we can’t determine whether a sewer system is affordable.